2022 Academic Exhibition
Every spring, Fontbonne comes together for The Academic Exhibition. Presenting to the campus community, undergraduate and graduate students showcase their academic projects in the form of multimedia oral and/or design visual presentations. The exhibition offers students the opportunity to practice formal academic presentations, receive live constructive feedback, and support their peers in other disciplines. Presentations can take the form of poster sessions, slideshows, or formal presentations..
A common theme bonded all the oral presentations: giving a voice to vulnerable groups. Each presenter exuded passion and knowledge for supporting and uplifting specific marginalized peoples.The program from the 2022 Exhibition is available HERE.
Students from all disciplines are welcome to submit their work each year. For more information, please contact Matt Nelson in the Writing Center: mnelson@fontbonne.edu.
If you have questions about the digital exhibit, please contact us at GriffinShare: griffinshare@fontbonne.edu.
Biological and Behavioral Sciences
Unit 731: Sadism in the Name of "Science", Maya Gravagna
Children and Adolescents' Experiences with Psychiatric Hospitalization, Kass Pemberton
Dr. Leo Stanley's San Quentin Experiments, Adrienne Unger
Communication Disorders and Deaf Education
Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students Preparation in Behavior Management, Karina Alvarado
Effectiveness of the Montessori Method for Dementia Patients, Breanna Baker
Creative Arts Therapy for Individuals with Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Julianne Cadieux
Psychology Challenges of People with Aphasia, Jordan Hecht
The Use of Aided Language with AAC in Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Caroline Husmann
Familial Response to Augmentative Alternative Communication in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities, Amy N. Ingold
The Impact of Family Environmental Factors on the Linguistic Success of Children with Cochlear Implants, Olivia Joseph
Cochlear Implants, Psychopathology, and Psychosocial Functioning, Aleeza Katz
What is Known About the Treatment Methods of Bilingual Aphasia?, Alexis LaRose
Returning to the Classroom after a Traumatic Brain Injury, Carly McGrath
Goal-Oriented Attentional Self-Regulation (GOALS) Treatment for Cognitive Rehabilitation of Veterans with TBI, Alissa Murphy
Utilizing Kinesiology Taping within the NICU to Promote Oral Feeding Readiness in Preterm Infants with Oral Motor Dysfunction, Kaylee B. O'Brien
Viewing Diversity as the Cherry on Top: Culturally Responsive Awareness and Practice Guide, Kyla Taylor
Current Memory Treatments: Effectiveness and Functionality Across Adult Populations, Eleanor Waters
Walking the Walk: Culturally Responsive Practices in Augmentative Alternative Communication, Aaron M. Doubet
Trauma and Teacher Perceptions of Maladaptive Classroom Behavior: An Action Research Pilot Study, Keona Griffin
Parental Efficacy and Barriers to Learning in Early Intervention, Melissa Jensen
The Golden Rule Project: Cultivating A Welcoming Church Environment for People with Disabilities, Meghan M. Concagh
Adding Value to the Life of Terminally Ill Patients Through Legacy Art Projects, Jeannine Millner
Teaching Uncomfortable Texts about Race in Secondary Education, Nathaniel Paasch
Open Access Capstone Projects
Lessons Learned Working With A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Survivor, William Blake Klenke | Communication Disorders and Deaf Education
Social Work
A Letter to Myself, My Hopes, and My Dreams: Won't You Listen Too?, Philyce Webb