2022 Academic Exhibition
Faculty Advisor
Kelly Lane-deGraaf
Student Status
Publication Date
Spring 2022
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Biological and Behavioral Sciences
Degree Program
Biology, minors in Chemistry and One Health
Researching germ warfare, enemy soldiers and civilians
were used as guinea pigs. They were deliberately infected
with plague, anthrax, cholera and other pathogens. Some
of the more horrific experiments included vivisection
without anesthesia, pressure chambers to see how much a human could take before his eyes popped out, trials to
determine the effect of frostbite on the human body, and
research on the pregnancies of women with syphilis.
Recommended Citation
Gravagna, Maya, "Unit 731: Sadism in the Name of "Science"" (2022). 2022 Academic Exhibition. 2.
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