"A Letter to Myself, My Hopes, and My Dreams: Won't You Listen Too?" by Philyce Webb

2022 Academic Exhibition

Faculty Advisor

Matthew Nelson

Student Status



Social Work

Publication Date

Spring 2022

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


Social Work


In this oral presentation I will be sharing a few writings from my TELOS honors portfolio. Topics regarding leadership, social justice and service, transformation, exploration, and future career goals will be discussed. These writings represent a letter to myself. The things I have accomplished and discovered during my time here at Fontbonne and my journey into adulthood are all laid out on the table. To be able to share my truth and passions with peers, staff, and faculty at Fontbonne will be another affirmation that I have made it this far, and my future presents many more exciting and eye-opening experiences for me to discover. I want everyone to go on this journey of self-discovery with me; I want to be an example and inspiration to other students, especially Black students, who feel like their voice does not carry weight.


Philyce Webb is a Social Work major, President of the Social Work Club, and Black Student Union representative for Student Government. Social work is about enhancing the well-being and basic needs of all people. Philyce encourages people to share their stories creatively. Her presentation highlighted the use of art therapy in healing trauma and the transformative power of self-discovery. Philyce is an advocate against social injustice and broken systems. Her passions are service, social justice, and crisis intervention. She has worked extensively with Crisis Nursery during her time at Fontbonne.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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Presentation Script



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