IRB: Student Submissions | Fontbonne University Research | GriffinShare
IRB: Student Submissions

IRB: Student Submissions

This page includes an explanation of the proposal process and links to the following:

  • Student Screened for Exempt Status Review Form
  • Student Expedited or Full Review Form
  • Ethics Training Request [sidebar]
  • Required Faculty Supervisor Approval Form [sidebar]
  • IRB Proposal Tips [sidebar]
  • Essential Elements of the Consent Form [sidebar]
  • Informed Consent template [sidebar]
  • Survey Approval Form [sidebar]
  • Request to Amend and/or Extend Research in Progress [sidebar]

Things to know before you begin:

All researchers must complete research ethics training and provide documentation of completion with review requests. Training materials will be made available through the campus LMS. Requests for access to the course can be made HERE.

You will need to submit a copy of your completion certificate with this proposal unless it is already on file with the IRB committee. Training approval is valid for three years.

Steps for Submitting Research Proposals:

There are two submission paths available: one for student research and another for faculty; make sure you are working with the right one. Any research affiliated with Fontbonne University that involves human participants requires review by the IRB committee.

  1. Gather your materials, including your project title, an abstract, information about participants, copies of your recruitment script(s) and consent form(s), and proof of ethics training
  2. Select the appropriate form for your project (exempt review or expedited/full review).
  3. Fill out the form, upload all supporting materials, including the required faculty approval form, and submit it in GriffinShare.
  4. Your submission will be forwarded to the research advisor for approval.
  5. The Research Advisor will request changes or additions or sign off on the completed form, which will then go to the Institutional Review Board committee. [Advisors, please make sure that students complete the correct form for the type of research projects they are planning. Guidelines for Expedited Review are listed in the Expedited Review Guidelines handout. Guidelines for Exempt Review are listed on the Exempt Status Form. If your student’s project does not clearly fall into the Exempt or Expedited categories, it will require Full Review. Researchers who submit incomplete forms or complete the incorrect form for their research projects will have IRB submissions returned to them for resubmission.
  6. Projects will receive notice of approval and their approval number via email.


Screened for Exempt Status – at least TWO weeks for review
Expedited Review – at least THREE work weeks for review
Full Review – at least FOUR weeks for review

Note: The review period starts once the faculty supervisor has signed the document and returned it to the IRB Committee.


IRB: Student Submissions:

Student Submissions: Exempt Review

Student Submissions: Expedited & Full Review