2020 Academic Exhibition
Every spring, Fontbonne comes together for The Academic Exhibition. Presenting to the campus community, undergraduate and graduate students showcase their academic projects in the form of multimedia oral and/or design visual presentations. The exhibition offers students the opportunity to practice formal academic presentations, receive live constructive feedback, and support their peers in other disciplines. Presentations can take the form of poster sessions, slideshows, or formal presentations.
Students from all disciplines are welcome to submit their work each year. For more information, please contact Matt Nelson in the Writing Center: mnelson@fontbonne.edu.
If you have questions about the submssion process or the digital exhibit, please contact us at GriffinShare: griffinshare@fontbonne.edu.
Biological and Behavioral Sciences
Gender Inequality: A Global Perspective, Kayley Cunningham
Business Administration
The Effects of the TCJA on Missouri Taxpayers, Elouise Hardwrict
Communication Disorders and Deaf Education
Fluency and Sound System Disorder: What to Do?, Madeline Broekelmann
Language/Cognition Components of Religious Expression for Clients Living Post CVA, Elizabeth Buckley
Analysis of Reported Therapeutic Effects of Aphasia Choir Participation, Sarah Dixon
Negative Influence of Screen Time on Speech and Language Development, Amanda Louise Garth
Early Intervention: The Use of AAC/AT in Preschool Classrooms, Lucy Guiffrida
The Use of Non-Words as Targets in the Treatment of Speech Sound Disorders in Children, Nicole Hacking
What is Known about the Dual Diagnosis of ASD and Down Syndrome?, Brielle Henne
Self-Identity and Social Communication in Children who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, Traci Henry
Measuring Identity in Individuals with Aphasia at Fontbonne University, Caroline I. Koenig
Anxiety Post-Stroke, Jacob Lendy
Effects of PANS/PANDAS on Communication: A Review of the Literature and Implications for the SLP, Lauren Miller
The Effects of Communication Partner Training on People with Aphasia and their Communication Partners, Allie Irene Mueller
Social Communication Deficits in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Toni Simmons
From Ears to Brain: 5 Strategies for Communication Development, Katherine R. Sosna
Accuracy in Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children with Down Syndrome, Molly Tessin
White Matter Disease and Subcortical Vascular Dementia: Interventions for Cognitive Deficits and a Case Study, Rachael N. Velius
Patient-Provider Communication in Inpatient AAC, Ellie Zempel
The Ways Birth to Three Providers Determine the Frequency of Services for Children Who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Their Families, Cole M. Bosas
Factors Influencing Parents' Choice of Communication Mode for their Child who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Paula E. Gross
Mentorship Impact: Underrepresentation of Women in Higher Education Leadership, Janice M. Johnson
Perceived Barriers To Degree Completion And Characteristics Of Nontraditional Students, R. Lauren Miller
Sense of Belonging in Online Learning Environments, Jennifer Moore
Best Graphing Software for the High School Classroom, Victoria Rynders
Family and Consumer Sciences
Advocating for Health Literacy in the United States, Melissa Adamson
An Uninvited Guest: COVID-19, Hamza Alvi
Covid-19 and Its Impact, Katherine Dowling
Advocating for Clean Water, Kaitlyn Holmberg
Cost-Related Nonadherence (CRN) to Medication, Jessica Kassel
Inequalities in Public Education Funding, Carrie LaChance
Advocating to Diminish Postpartum Depression, Casey Linsenbardt
Domestic Violence Awareness, Katherine Sengheiser
Understanding Food Insecurity, Maxwell Stapleton
Hidden Truth: Life Without a Roof, Holly Steen
The Education Gap, What It Is, Why it Matters & How We Can Close It, Kayla Vescovo
Fashion Merchandising
Social Media Influencers List: The Normal Brand, John Hadley
Fashion Merchandising Internship Senior Capstone, Emma Seiz
I Know This is Scary: The Effects of Narratology on Trauma Fiction, Claire Ford
Understanding Intercultural Communication at Fontbonne University, Aki Kato
Analyzing LGBTQ+ Representation within ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, Claire McCann
The Value of a Liberal Arts Education: Commentary and Curriculum, Elizabeth Rechtien
Filling in the GAPs, Maria Torres
Instructional Design and Technology
Blended Learning in the K-2 Classroom, Amanda Benson
Microlearning Where Education Matters, Maria L. Figueroa
Interactive Video to Engage and Assess, Mary Jude Schmitz
Active Learning, Teene Williams