2020 Academic Exhibition
Fashion Merchandising Internship Senior Capstone
Faculty Advisor
Angela G. Liljequist, PhD
Student Status
Fashion Merchandising
Publication Date
Spring 2020
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Fashion Merchandising
This poster project is cumulated from my Fashion Merchandising internship that I completed during the summer of 2019 at Stars Design Group. I worked for 200 hours/10 weeks and not only did I learn a lot, but was able to apply previous coursework to different tasks I was doing at Stars. This project connects the dots for subjects I learned in the classroom with things I learned hands-on at my internship. I hope you enjoy my senior capstone project, enjoy!
Recommended Citation
Seiz, Emma, "Fashion Merchandising Internship Senior Capstone" (2020). 2020 Academic Exhibition. 3.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.