2020 Academic Exhibition
The Effects of the TCJA on Missouri Taxpayers
Faculty Advisor
Daffney Felton
Student Status
Publication Date
Spring 2020
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Business Administration
The purpose of this presentation is to inform the general public on the effects that recent tax reform or the Tax Cut and Jobs Act has on the state of Missouri and Missouri taxpayers. While some Missourians may not be affected by these changes, others may be experiencing any impact on a more significant scale. There are benefits from this tax reform, as well as some downfalls which is a significant change for some taxpayers.
Recommended Citation
Hardwrict, Elouise, "The Effects of the TCJA on Missouri Taxpayers" (2020). 2020 Academic Exhibition. 14.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.