Advocacy Builders Project: Economic Stability


Advocacy Builders Project: Economic Stability


We Stories



Poverty or wealth determines a person's health in our capitalist society. A person in poverty is likely suffering from “lack of” in many areas of their life. Money and one’s ability to have and to make more of it determine the healthy habits one is able to cultivate, practice, and maintain over the course of one’s life. For example, of the folks in poverty, about 35% are also food insecure.3 They don’t have access to reliable, consistent food, and the food they do have access to is likely to be cheaper, more processed foods that aren’t as nutrient rich. More than 1 in 5 children diagnosed with a chronic disability has one or more social, emotional, behavioral or developmental problems—this comorbidity is two times more likely to happen to children living in poverty.4 And what’s more, kids who grew up in poverty are more likely to be adults who live in poverty,5 and unfortunately, it’s a compounding condition—the longer you spend being poor in childhood, the more likely your are to be in poverty as an adult. Or, most directly connected to health and well-being, people in poverty don’t have access to consistent, meaningful, and prevention-focused healthcare.

Publication Date

Summer 2023


Fontbonne University Archives


St. Louis, MO


Community-Based Learning | Inequality and Stratification | Race and Ethnicity


Part 3 of 4 of the Advocacy Builders Project guide.

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Advocacy Builders Project: Economic Stability