We feel immense gratitude for being a part of the momentum for change and racial equity work created by so many parents of young children who are committed to raising anti-biased, race-conscious kids.
— Maggie Klonsky, executive director of We Stories.

Between 2015 and 2023, We Stories helped more than 1,400 families by providing education on the history of racism and bias formation, strategies to practice deconstructing bias, and a space to connect with other parents working to create change at home and in places where they work and play. That work continues with these free resources developed to help you build your competence and confidence in anti-biased, race-conscious conversations with young children (ages 0-8).

The topics addressed here include minimizing biases, naming and noticing differences, developing positive self-concepts, learning truthful and nuanced history, promoting critical thinking, practicing self-reflection and continuous learning, and building empathy.

You are welcome to download, use, and share these resources as you learn, practice, and build toward a more equitable and inclusive future.


Download Resources:

Getting Started

Family Learning Program

DEI-Themed Lessons

Advocacy Builders Project