2022 Portfolios


Matthew Nelson



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As I write this, I am only a few short weeks away from my graduation from Fontbonne University. This is a major turning point in my journey and the end of what turned out to be a chapter full of tears, failure, victories, triumphs, and memories. As you will come to learn by reading my portfolio, transition is a scary thing for me. It’s not something that I used to readily embrace. But as I am now transitioning into the next chapter of my life which includes continuing my education in the pursuit of a master’s degree in speech-language pathology, I am excited for what’s next.

Fontbonne has truly become a place of growth for me. The person that will be walking the stage at commencement is not the same person who entered the doors in the fall semester of 2018. And I believe that this change is for the better. I came to Fontbonne to get an education and to get a degree, but I leave with so much more. I leave with life lessons about uncertainty, struggles, a clearer sense of self, leadership experiences, occupational aspirations, and how to be a contributing member to the common good of this world.

Through extracurricular involvements with organizations that will forever hold a special place in my heart such as University Programming, Omicron Delta Kappa, GriffinTHON, and a myriad of other involvement opportunities, I learned about servant leadership, but more importantly, I learned about myself. The many experiences that I share with you throughout this portfolio have made me the person that I am today. I learned that my purpose which keeps me going every day comes from a passion to serve others. My hope as I leave Fontbonne is that I leave behind a legacy. To me, this means planting small seeds of kindness, inclusivity, service, and leadership that will be carried on by Fontbonne students, faculty, and staff for generations to come. Fontbonne University truly left its mark on me as I graduate, proud to be a Griffin. I hope that this portfolio shows not only how this happened, but also how I chose to leave my mark on Fontbonne.


Communication Disorders and Deaf Education

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2022


Fontbonne University Archives


St. Louis, MO

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

2022 Honors Portfolio



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