TELOS Honors Portfolios

Director: Matt Nelson

In philosophy, “telos” is an ultimate end or purpose. Faithful to the mission, values, and vision of Fontbonne University, the honors program (known as TELOS) seeks to foster a community of thinkers for motivated and intellectually curious students in and outside the classroom. TELOS is a holistic program that focuses not only on classroom experiences but also on leadership, service and social justice, and personal and professional development so that students can apply their education to their highest purposes. Self-reflection is a key component of the program. The ability to reflect upon one’s education makes learning visible. Reflection is a way to escalate the connections made between ideas, discoveries, inquiries, and the world in which we live. Portfolios are an effective tool that allows for sophisticated, insightful, and creative reflective expression.


Browse TELOS Honors Portfolios:

2019 Portfolios

2020 Portfolios

2021 Portfolios

2022 Portfolios

2023 Portfolios