Hidden Histories



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Contents of the Southwest Hall Cornerstone (for complete descriptions, see the attached PDF):

List of the time capsule's previous contents

Pages xeroxed from As Strong as the Granite


Fontbonne T-shirt

Griffin Scratch student handbook

Sacajawea Dollar Coin

FC Doorknob


Chiasma Literary Magazine

Living on Campus Housing Brochure


When renovations began in Fall 1999 on Southwest Hall, a box was discovered in the Cornerstone. These items were removed, and a new group of items was collected and placed in the cornerstone.

From Fontbonne College Magazine Fall/Winter 2000:

"Dave Ebenhoh, director of campus ministry, and Adrienne Herren, graphic designer, were charged with finding replacement items for the time capsule. On May 5, Ebenhoh and Herren carefully placed several items in the 10-by-8-by-3-inch copper box made specifically for the cornerstone. The contents include pages from Fontbonne's 75th-anniversary history book, As Strong as the Granite (the entire book wouldn't fit); a list of predictions for the future made by members of the Fontbonne Community; a Fontbonne t-shirt; the 1999-2000 Griffin Scratch (student handbook and calendar); the new golden Sacajawea dollar coin; a Fontbonne doorknob with the initials FC molded into it; Pokemon trading cards; 2000 Chiasma (Fontbonne's literary magazine); a copy of Living on Campus (brochure created about residential opportunities on campus and the new Southwest Hall apartments) along with a list of the capsule's previous contents."

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Fontbonne University Archives


St. Louis, MO

Southwest Hall Cornerstone, 2000



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