"FGA Agendas: March 16, 2011" by Fontbonne University Archives

FGA Agendas

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 3-16-2011

Academic Year



Motion 1: Motion from EITF to approve 5 evaluation forms

Course Survey Draft: Face-to-face course evaluation

Classroom Observation Form: Full-time and adjunct faculty evaluation

Self-Evaluation Form: Faculty Form

Chair/Dean Evaluation Form: Evaluation by full-time faculty

Faculty Evaluation Form: Form used by Chair/Dean

Motion 2: Motion from GETF & UCC to adopt CCG

Criteria for tagged courses: Mission Core II/CCG

Culture and the Common Good: CCG Course Sequence

CCG Presentation: Power-point presentation

CCG Goals: Goals and outcomes

ua-fga-agendas-2011-03-16-01.pdf (124 kB)
Motion 1

ua-fga-agendas-2011-03-16-02.pdf (65 kB)
Course Survey Draft

ua-fga-agendas-2011-03-16-03.pdf (82 kB)
Classroom Observation Form

ua-fga-agendas-2011-03-16-04.pdf (92 kB)
Self-Evaluation Form

ua-fga-agendas-2011-03-16-05.pdf (53 kB)
Chair/Dean Evaluation Form

ua-fga-agendas-2011-03-16-06.pdf (61 kB)
Faculty Evaluation Form

ua-fga-agendas-2011-03-16-07.pdf (114 kB)
Motion 2

ua-fga-agendas-2011-03-16-08.pdf (365 kB)
Criteria for tagged courses

ua-fga-agendas-2011-03-16-09.pdf (118 kB)
CCG presentation

ua-fga-agendas-2011-03-16-11.pdf (111 kB)
CCG Goals


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