FGA Agendas
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2-16-2011
Academic Year
ua-fga-agendas-2011-02-16-01.pdf (41 kB)
Motion 1
ua-fga-agendas-2011-02-16-02.pdf (40 kB)
Motion 2
ua-fga-agendas-2011-02-16-03.pdf (40 kB)
Motion 3
Motion 1
ua-fga-agendas-2011-02-16-02.pdf (40 kB)
Motion 2
ua-fga-agendas-2011-02-16-03.pdf (40 kB)
Motion 3
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Motion 1: Motion from BPS to add General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry I
Motion 2: Motion from BPS to add General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry II
Motion 3: Motion from BPS to add General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry III