

Date of Interview


Interview Location

St. Louis, MO

Length of Interview


Date of Birth




Religion and/or Ethnicity



Moved to St. Louis with family from Detroit where she was born, Parents were both born and raised in Sarajevo and survived the siege of the city, After arriving to the United States father was ill and had to undergo a heart transplant, Mother also suffered from issue from the war and became handicapped due to these issues, Grew up in St. Louis with mostly Bosnian friends and when going back to Bosnia enjoys friendships with a few friends there who are all Bosnia, Enjoys going to Bosnia as it is a beautiful place for her but cannot see herself ever living there as it is economical devasted still, While living in the United States identifies as Bosnian American since she was born in the United States but her roots are in Bosnia, Life in the United States at the start of life was difficult as her parents had to learn a new language and came to the United States sick, Thankful for the opportunities the United States gave to her parents to learn and became as healthy as possible along with the opportunity given to her to her to have an education, Wants future generations to remember that war is a horrible thing and to remember how it was in Bosnia and hopes that they do not have to experience the horrors of war


Sarajevo, United States, Detroit [MI], St. Louis [MO}, Siege of Sarajevo, New generation, Identity, Growing up Bosnian American

First US Residence

Detroit, MI

Document Type

Oral History


Affton High School

Digital Format


Digital Publisher

Center for Bosnian Studies


St. Louis, MO

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In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted.