

Date of Interview

Spring 5-2-2019

Interview Location

St. Louis, MO

Length of Interview


Date of Birth




Religion and/or Ethnicity

None Given


Born to parents from Sanski Most and Prijedor, After the outbreak of the war family stayed in the country for 2 years, Father was held at the Trnopolje camp where he was tortured and witnessed the killing of friends, Family left for Germany and settled in Berlin, Born in Berlin and moved to St. Louis at the age of 2, Earliest memories are of visiting Bosnia in 2005, Country was still war torn and cities were being rebuilt, Many apartments and houses had holes and missing walls, Streets were still under construction, Parents now visit Bosnia more often but due to financial reason the trip is difficult, Bosnia is now more recovered then in 2005 but still has the problems of corruption and nationalism, Believes that a Bosnian is someone who is from that region of the Balkans and shares the same generic culture, Indefinites as Bosnian but leaning more towards Bosnian American due to being raised in the United States, Future generations should know that the best thing to do is speak up and ask questions about Bosnia and about their own culture if they are Bosnian.


Prijedor, Sanski Most, Berlin, St. Louis, Trnopolje, Identity, New Generation

First Country of Residence


First US Residence

St. Louis, MO

Document Type

Oral History


Affton High School

Digital Format


Digital Publisher

Center for Bosnian Studies


St. Louis, MO

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