


Izzy Menzel

Date of Interview

Fall 12-11-2018

Interview Location

St. Louis, MO

Length of Interview


Date of Birth




Religion and/or Ethnicity



Born in Velika Kludusa to a family of four sisters and one brother, Father worked as a tailor while mother was a stay at home mom who also took care of a garden the family had along with a few cows, Enjoyed spending time with friends and family in a carefree upbringing, Most of the time was spent playing outside and coming home to enjoy homecooked meals Grah(Beans) being a favorite, During the winters would enjoy makeshift snowboarding on a hill next to her home, Changes in the former Yugoslavia began after the death of Tito but became apparent to her in 1991, Parents and herself did not believe war could happen and were not prepared, A few months before the war married a Bosnian man and moved from hometown to Croatia, Husband had a steady job and she began working in the kitchen of a restaurant, After conflict began life became difficult and sporadic discrimination due to their background occurred in Croatia with a few tense moments felt, Going back home became impossible, Stayed the whole war in Croatia until brother in law who was now in the United States send paperwork for her and husband to come to St. Louis, Arrived in St. Louis with a small baby named Kemal and the International Institute helped them settle, Helped in finding a job, apartment and provided English classes ranging from beginning course to upper level, Gained employment at Washington University and after four years became a supervisor of the house keeping department, Adapting to life at first was difficult but helped by the large number of fellow Bosnians who would met up regularly for coffee to share news of jobs and other opportunities, Began to host Chestnut roasting parties that had the role as gathering for coffee, As she and her family began to work more and more they learned more English due to a lack of income would regularly get furniture if people threw it out leading to mismatches of furniture in the house, Wants future generations to not hate anyone and to stay away from trouble and if they can to help others who may need the help.


Velika Kludusa, Croatia, St. Louis, International Institute, Washington University, Community Togetherness

Pre-War Residence

Velika Kladuša

Wartime Residence


First Country of Residence

United States

First US Residence

St. Louis, MO

Document Type

Oral History


Affton High School

Digital Format


Digital Publisher

Center for Bosnian Studies


St. Louis, MO

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