All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Science (MS)
College of Education & Allied Health
Communication Disorders and Deaf Education
St. Joseph's Institute, Integration, high school, integration
The following study is on the integration of deaf children into hearing high schools. The purpose of this study is to provide information which may be useful to deaf students and their parents in meeting the challenges of integration. This study was a project conducted by the Seniors in the Deaf Education Department graduating in May 1972. This study began by sending our 394 cover letters (Appendix A) 394 questionnaire forms to determine opinions on integration. Two different questionnaire forms were sent out: one to graduates of St. Joseph's Institute from 1955 to '71 (Appendix B) and one to their parents (Appendix C). The questionnaires were mailed out November 21, 1971 . The cover letter requested that the questionnaire be returned by December 17, 1971 . A total of 112completed questionnaires were returned. Of these completed questionnaires, 11 single parent and 13 single student questionnaires were disqualified. The study is based on 44 paired student-parent questionnaires.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Berger, Joyce; Duffy, Kerry; Faltus, Kathleen; Gentemann, Teresa; Hessel, Catherine; Meyers, Barbara; Parham, Anna Marie; Sobczak, Margaret; and Wolf, Christine, "Integration of Graduates of Saint Joseph Institute for the Deaf into Hearing High Schools" (1972). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 89.
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The participants in this study are the 1972 graduates in the Deaf Education Department at Fontbonne College, St. Louis, Missouri.