All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
College of Arts & Sciences
Math and Computer Science
First Advisor
Mary Teresine Lewis
numbers, angle, line, isoscles, rectangle, circumference
It has been noted that the development of the Pythagorean Proposition was originally introduced into Greek mathematics by Pythagoras. Regardless of the technical and rigid controversy, the relationship between different sets of Pythagorean triples does have significant notation to the Pythagorean philosophy. It is important to note that the absolute truth in the Pythagorean Theorem upheld the philosophy of the innate ideas. Once this absolutism was discarded, Kant and his innate philosophical followers had nothing, on which to base their belief. Thus it can be concluded that Pythagoras was important in philosophy as well as in mathematics.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Weesner, Rosalind, "Pythagoras and His Achievements in the Field of Mathematics: A Short Study" (1967). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 72.
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