"Examining the Variability of Dialogic Pedagogy Knowledge of General Ed" by Kimberly Sanchez

All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Doctor of Education (EdD)


College of Education & Allied Health

Degree Program

Collaborative High Impact Instruction


Education and Special Education

First Advisor

Gale Rice

Second Advisor

Kelley Barger

Third Advisor

Joanne Fish


Dialogic pedagogies, MTSS, At-risk students, Tiered interventions


The evidence in literature and practice indicates that most students have not been adequately exposed to and engaged with classroom dialogue, connections with peers through dialogue and/or deeper understanding of educational content due to lack of productive talk strategically supported by curriculums or educators (Edlund et al., 2023). In an era of evidence-based programming, collaborative educators need to equitably and sustainably support students with high impact strategies and interventions (Sylvan, 2020; Marzano, 2003; Hattie, 2008). Utilizing research based dialogic pedagogies within an MTSS framework increases students’ abilities as capable and critical thinkers (Leighton et al., 2021; Edlund et al., 2023). The purpose of this mixed methods phenomenological study is to learn more about the variability of dialogic pedagogy knowledge and utilization of K-5 general educators within the MTSS framework. The problem to be addressed is providing more accurate and effective tiered dialogic interventions and strategies designed to increase communication, engagement, and deepen content understanding for at-risk students in the classroom setting. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through surveys and educator interviews. The data revealed that all participating educators had some varied knowledge of dialogic practices, and they planned and utilized them in classrooms. However, not all implemented them through an MTSS framework. These educators were all receptive and willing to learn and implement more dialogic practices within MTSS framework. An Organizational Improvement Plan was provided with suggestions for improving educators’ knowledge and utilization of dialogic practices within MTSS.

Keywords: dialogic pedagogies, MTSS, at-risk students, tiered interventions

Document Type

Open Access Dissertation

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