All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
AT&T, Management, Integrated Appraisal Approach, Objective Judgement Quotient, Management Assessment, Evaluation
During the course of its 20-year Management Progress study, AT&T pioneered the use of assessment centers In the corporate arena. The assessment process was centered around the company's objectives, Once the objective was defined. measurable dimensions were Identified and defined. Participants were put through a series of exercises which were to show strengths and weaknesses in managerial skills.
The success of AT&T's project prompted other corporations to adopt the assessment process as a tool for employee selection. Today, over 2,000 corporations have designed and implemented assessment centers WI thin their environment.
A number of validity studies have been conducted since the completion of AT&T's project. These studies contend that the artificial nature of assessment exercises does not produce a clear and accurate picture of the participant's ability to perform effectively in the real work environment.
Alternatives such as Integrated Appraisal Approach and Objective Judgement Quotient may be more effective ways of evaluating a person's managerial abilities.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Jones, Betty Jo, "Validity of Assessment Centers' Results in Identifying a Company's Most Effective Managers" (1988). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 635.
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