All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program



Business Administration


Computer Programming, Hardware, Software, CPU, Quality Control, Productivity


Scientific progress in most fields is heavily dependent upon the ability to take accurate measurements. The measurement of computer programming is a growing concern throughout the software industry. With computer hardware prices on the decline, software development and maintenance costs are becoming a larger percentage of the operating costs for most companies.

While most traditional indices used to measure computer programming such as, "lines of code", "CPU time", "cost per defect", and "number of errors" are often ambiguous, the majority of business applications in the United States continue to use variations of some or all of these indices.

The traditional indices must be adjusted to more effectively measure the quality of products produced instead of primarily focusing on the quantity of software produced. It must do this while measuring all of the various tasks performed by programming staffs.

Methods of measurement are being developed to adjust the traditional indices to be less ambiguous and more meaningful. New productivity programs and recently developed packaged productivity software are allowing software managers to improve productivity measurement by using cost units instead of the outdated work units. There is still a lot of room for progress in this relatively young science.

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