All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
family, government, women, on-site, employees, management
When the school bus dropped us off each afternoon, my brothers and sisters and I would race to the house in an attempt to be the first to tell our mother what events had happened at school that day. We were a normal family — mother at home with the children and father at work.
Times have changed. In August, 1988, the United States Census Bureau reported that labor force participation for new mothers reached 50.8 percent. This was the first time a majority of women reported they were working or actively seeking employment within a year of giving birth. And when these mothers work, their children are left in the care of others.
As parents attempt to find quality care for their children, employers must attempt to find ways to meet employees' demands for child care assistance. Employers cannot afford to ignore the working parent — the cost of hiring, training and retaining employees increases each year. And if employers do not recognize the needs of the working parent, they stand to loose them as employees.
What can employers do? The variety of child care assistance programs in existence enables any organization to set up a program that benefits the company and the employee. These programs range from flexible working schedules to on-site day care centers to flexible benefit plans.
Developing a program that works involves research into the types of programs available, a survey of the needs of employees, and analysis of the costs and benefits associated with each type of program.
If the demographic statistics continue to show ever-increasing numbers of working mothers, the normal family may have parents picking up children at day care centers. And instead of racing to the house from the school bus, children will tell mother and father the events of the day all the way home.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Nevala, Jacquelyn J., "An Analysis of the Cost and Benefits of Child Care Assistance as an Employee Benefit" (1988). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 526.
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