"Can an Automated Management Information System be Effective in a Rapid" by Bryan G. Mclellan

All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program



Business Administration


training, flexibility, computer, technology, data, dealerships, turnover


Effective management information systems relate pertinent business information in a concise format and in a timely manner to managers for the purpose of making accurate decisions. Automated systems therefore, in order to meet the above criteria, must be ergonomically agreeable to the data entry operator and produce information for management in a useful fashion. While this seems to be a fairly simple task for an automated management system, when variables such as personnel turnover and training requirements are presented, the issue becomes somewhat more complex.

Retail businesses, more specifically automobile dealerships, traditionally experience a high degree of turnover in all phases of operation. Whether the department concerned is a profit center such as the vehicle sales department, or a non-income producing department such as the accounting office, a complete management information system touches all aspects of the automobile dealership environment. As such, It is also affected by turnover and in fact is not completely effective unless all operators of the system are adequately trained. The degree to which involved personnel are trained depends often times on their experience level as well as actual time on the job. Learning curves vary from person to person, and on the specific responsibilities and requirements of the job itself. Since the dealership generally experiences a high degree of turnover, it stands to reason that training is an ongoing process. The depth of the training process also depends on the assignment of responsibilities and whether or not the individual concerned is the only one doing a particular task,'or is one of many. Since most automobile dealerships are small businesses, it is correct to assume that they are not set up to be fully staffed and individualized as to specific job responsibilities. That is to say, that in an automobile dealership, an individual must perform several tasks to justify their expense. An accounts receivable clerk might also be a switchboard operator for instance, or the dealers secretary may be responsible for handling the accounts payables. The message is clear to those responsible for the effective implementation of a sound management system. Training people and reducing turnover is essential in any business, but it becomes critical when an automated management information system is in use. Can an automated management information system work properly in a rapid turnover environment? I will examine in this thesis, the key elements of an automated system as they relate to an automobile dealership, as well as the training requirements involved in maintaining such a system.

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