"A Comparison Study of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Carry-Over T" by Vicky A. Auton

All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Science (MS)


College of Education & Allied Health


Communication Disorders and Deaf Education

First Advisor

Mary K. Samson


speech therapy, pathologist, classroom, language, classroom


Appropriate production of a target phoneme in conversational speech is the terminal objective in most articulation therapy programs. For the present study, carry-over will be the term used when referring to the habitual use of the new sound in real life situations outside the therapy session. Promotion of carry-over is a puzzle for the public school speech and language pathologist. How to check for carry-over when the therapy session is over and the client returns to the classroom and then goes home is a real problem. The public school program offer's a vast opportunity for research in the area of carry-over. A review of the literature indicates a need for research in the area of articulation carry-over because of the limited number of studies previously done. Sources generally stress the importance of carry-over. Most give suggestions for procedures, but few give specific strategies or tell how to evaluate their effectiveness. The present study will attempt to answer some of the relevant questions regarding the effectiveness of articulation carry-over programs in the public schools. The present study proposes promoting carry-over by enlarging the therapy situation to include definite speech periods in the classroom and at home. The areas of interest will include the study of the effectiveness of trained school personnel and parents acting as aides in the therapy process.

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