All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
women, harassment, managing, achievement, family, earnings, labor
Can women utilize their full potentials and goals while competing with men in the business world or are they destined to be second in the chain of command? Yes, there are differences in the behaviorism of women and men, but even though women are unique, they still can be successful in the workplace.
There are some definite obstacles that women have to overcome and prejudices which need to be addressed in order for women to achieve their rightful place in the business world. Some of the problems that women face are those of discrimination, sexual harassment, stereotyping, and equal pay. Most of these obstacles can be eliminated, and more and more women are climbing the ladder of success and claiming their rightful place in the work environment.
The future of women is very promising. It reveals that by the next decade more women will be earning better salaries and being promoted to upper level management positions. Women will share the same responsibilities with men and the involvement of the "90s women" will come to fruition. More men will be relegated to helping out with household chores and the raising of children.
As women advance up the corporate ladder, they will form a mentor system to help their fellow sisters achieve their desired goals. This new attitude of females should only enhance their possibilities for future success and growth in the business world.
Yes, it is true that there are a number of differences between the behaviorism of men and women, and it is equally true that women will be successful in spite of these differences. It is also possible for females in the business environment to overcome their obstacles and climb the ladder of success in the corporate structure. Wouldn't it be great to be a woman in the year 2000!
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Gruchala, Patricia Jean, "Can Women Overcome the Obstacles in Business?" (1989). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 482.
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