All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
Purina, fishing, sales, wildlife, marketplace
The United States Animal Feed Industry has remained a steady industry that has seen little growth in the last ten years. This stagnant growth coupled with the high capital expenditures necessary to manufacture animal feed has forced manufacturers to look for alternate distribution in non-typical channels for feed sales. This dilemma may not have appeared more apparent than during the last few years when down-sizing and reorganization have become a way of life.
Today the feed dealer represents the primary means of distribution of finished product to the consumer. This dealer has typically sold product to the American farmer and some suburban pet owners. This form of distribution leaves a substantial gap in the consumer's access to animal feed for the eighty-six million Americans that feed wild birds and other wild and domesticated animals. This condition is cause for significant concern by the majority of major manufacturers that are looking for ways to grow their industry.
This thesis explores one channel that may have potential for the feed industry; sporting goods. This thesis presents a basic understanding of the nature of the United States Sporting Goods Industry, the typical distribution channels for her products and the consumer needs from the industry and its channels.
The primary focus of the thesis will center around an analysis of the alternate distribution channel of sporting good dealers for the sale of feed. It will also provide limited insight and analysis into what the near future may hold for the manufacturer that faithfully pursues this market channel.
The Sporting Goods Industry retailer has typically only dealt with hard goods, but they too are looking to ways to expand their consumer base and create repeat business. This expansion could be met by the marriage of the two industries and the expansion of the marketplace for both.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Mulherin, Cheryl G., "A Marketing Evaluation of the Sporting Goods Industry as a Potential Channel for Animal Feed" (1990). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 432.
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