All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program

Business Administration


Business Administration


UMSL, Heart of America Athletic Conference, National Christian College Athletic Association, NAIA, Division I, varsity, sport, alumni


Every year, without fail, thousands of young people descend upon our college campuses. Some will choose to attend major universities with their large sprawling campuses while others will opt for the more intimate setting of a small private college. There are several segments which comprise the collegiate community. In the past 10 or 15 years the segment of student athletes has been receiving greater attention than other social or academic segments.

Interscholastic athletics at the collegiate level has taken on a new perspective. No longer is the athletic department a place where someone throws out a basketball or volleyball and everyone plays for an hour or so. It has become an integral part of the academic institution. With the advent of proposition 48, requiring incoming freshmen to have obtained minimum scores on standardized tests, academic progress of student athletes is fast becoming the yardstick by which many coaches are measured in terms of success, not the won-lost column so often pointed to by the alumni and the general public.

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