All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
Business Administration
business, industry, EU, government, world trade, EEC
The focus of this research is to evaluate the Spanish economy under the effects of the EEC, during the period of transition allowed to modified policies and structures. Topics are presented to highlight toe impacts brought by the agreement of toe Market and Monetary Union. The ability of each country to adapt during this transitional period is going to set the future economical position in the Unified European Common Market.
The different elements that form the Spanish economy that were under strong protectionism for decades, are going to definitely loose strengths in the new environment. This loss can and should be minimized by proper application of policies.
Alternatively, in the face of strong competition in toe world markets, this act of becoming part of toe European Common Market is going to bring new and desirable improvement to toe Spanish economy in the long term. History shows that market protectionism and restraint of trade are no longer viable policies. Spain, in spite of the sacrifices and malfunctions of the economy, should continue with the process.
This research is a synthesis of professional source journals, books and expert magazines from current and historical literature, featuring toe different facts of the Spanish economy since it become open to toe competition.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Rodelgo, Jose Maria Pelaez, "An Evaluation of the Spanish Economic Competitiveness in the European Common Market" (1992). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 315.
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THESIS NOTE: The Spanish Economy is worsening dangerously each day since the author wrote this thesis. The most current data may show an even more precarious situation for the Spanish economy than the one that have been forecasted.