2021 Student Academic Exhibition | Student Academic Exhibitions | Fontbonne University

2021 Academic Exhibition


Every spring, Fontbonne comes together for The Academic Exhibition. Presenting to the campus community, undergraduate and graduate students showcase their academic projects in the form of multimedia oral and/or design visual presentations. The exhibition offers students the opportunity to practice formal academic presentations, receive live constructive feedback, and support their peers in other disciplines. Presentations can take the form of poster sessions, slideshows, or formal presentations.

The program from the 2021 Exhibition is available HERE.

Students from all disciplines are welcome to submit their work each year. For more information, please contact Matt Nelson in the Writing Center: mnelson@fontbonne.edu.

If you have questions about the submission process or the digital exhibit, please contact us at GriffinShare: griffinshare@fontbonne.edu.


Business Administration

Target Corporation's Strategic Plan, Sarah Bauman

Communication Disorders and Deaf Education


Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises and Their Effectiveness in Treating Dysphonia, Bryce Baker


Augmentative & Alternative Communication and Early Language Development of Children with ASD, Amanda Baum


The Effects of Cochlear Implants and Hearing Aids on Reading Comprehension in Children: A Literature Review, Shelby Callahan


A Look at How Vocal Coaching Techniques for Singers Could Be Used to Increase the Effectiveness of Melodic Intonation Therapy on Stroke Patients, Eric Dalbey


Factors and Implications Related to Self-Esteem in Adolescents Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Clarissa Dingus and Elizabeth Haldeman


The Impact of Shared-Book Reading on Expansion of Vocabulary Development in Late Elementary Aged Children., Kathryn Hessi, Lena Minton, Leah Rider, and Kailyn Rozell

Identifying the Relationship between Fluency Disorders and ADHD in Adolescents, Sarah Johnson


Developing a Better Understanding of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) in Girls & Women, Elyssa S. Male



The Impact of Educator Empathetic Mindset on Student Expectations, Julie Demsko


Examining Pre-Service Educators’ and Educators’ Self-Efficacy in Culturally Responsive Instruction, Colleen Kinsella


Speech-Language Pathology Preparation to Address Communicative Quality of Life Among People with Adult Neurogenic Disorders, Ethan Kristek


The Craft of Constructing a Classroom Library: Student Involvement in Book Title Selection, Meredith Murray


Exploring Trauma-Informed Education in Teacher Preparation and the Prevalence of Trauma-Informed Indicators in Pre-Service Educators’ Classroom Behavior Management Plans, Katherina M. Roeder

Family and Consumer Sciences


Sugar Replacement in Angel Food Cake, Mary Beers and Shirlene Hilt


Covid-19 and Its Impact, Katherine Dowling


Understanding Food Insecurity, Maxwell Stapleton

Fashion Merchandising


The History of Bridal Gowns, Mesopotamia to the Present, Tamar Adler


Gender Discrimination in the Workplace, Jumanah Aljohani


What Are Mothers Communicating About Masks During COVID-19?, Emily R. Jackson


LGBTQ+ in Healthcare, Michael L. Koutsohilis


Fontbonne University Student Athletes Social Media Influence on Pandemic Behavior, Jarid C. Morton

COVID-19 and the Effect on Human Social Interaction, Olivia Tallo

Mathematics and Computer Science


Conversational A.I.: Predicting Future Response Sentiment in One-On-One Dialogue, Josephine Bahr

Open Access Capstone Projects


Sweetened Blood, Sweat and Tears, Nathan Celestine | History, Philosophy, and Religion


Staring at Myself Through a One-Way Mirror, Carrie Steingruby | English and Communication

Social Work


Love on the Brain: The Science of Relationships and Trauma, Josephine M. Arens