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We built these lessons around diversity, equity, and inclusion to help parents and teachers feel equipped in supporting critical thinking, continuous learning, and difficult conversations with young children. Our themed lessons include curated diverse books, reflection and discussion questions, and accompanying activities that align with social justice standards for children.
The themed lessons are not intended to be sequential nor a comprehensive representation of all of the potential learning out there! Navigate the lessons in any order that you choose. We encourage you to create your own based on your interests, historical and contemporary throughlines, holidays, family events, and more.
Publication Date
Summer 2023
Fontbonne University Archives
St. Louis, MO
Community-Based Learning | Inequality and Stratification | Race and Ethnicity
Recommended Citation
We Stories, "DEI-Themed Lessons" (2023). DEI-Themed Lessons. 1.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Included in
Community-Based Learning Commons, Inequality and Stratification Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons
The DEI curriculum includes the following components:
Social Justice Standards developed by the organization Learning for Justice. They serve as “a road map for anti-bias education at every stage of K–12 instruction.” They were developed to reflect age-appropriate learning and to provide a more equitable learning experience. Each lesson corresponds to one or more social justice standards. You can learn more about the standards at the Learning for Justice website.
A Summary to introduce and explain the theme. It sets the stage for you and your children’s or students’ learning.
A Booklist including four or more children’s books. Most stories are geared toward children ages 4 to 8. Some lessons include board books for younger children.
Consider This and Talk Together questions to spur reflection and conversation. First, questions for you to consider. Second, questions to consider together with your children or students.
Engagement suggestions, which were primarily designed to extend conversations. However, many of these activities include play, art, and community building, which can complement classroom lessons as well.
Curated Explore More for further exploration. The resources include video, audio, books, and other online options.