"IPEI 2019: Emily Haley Schnake" by Emily Haley

IPEI: 2019 Scholars



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Early Intervention in Deaf Education, MA

Early Intervention in Deaf Education, BA | Fontbonne University


Fontbonne University Archives


St. Louis, MO


I knew that I wanted to work with the deaf/hard of hearing population ever since I was eight years old. My hometown of Jacksonville, IL has the Illinois School for the Deaf (ISD). Students from the school would attend my church every Sunday morning at the 10:30 service and as a little girl I would watch the sign language interpreter in awe of what they were doing. I found it so fascinating that the interpreter could communicate to this population of people through signs and gestures. I specifically chose Fontbonne because of the class sizes as well as the reputation that Fontbonne has within the deaf/hard of hearing community. They are a well respected school for their work, and all of the professors there are so knowledgeable. I hope that after completing my program at Fontbonne that I will be working full time in as an early interventionist directly serving infants, toddlers and their families as well as being a resource and support system for the family.

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IPEI 2019: Emily Haley Schnake



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