Fontbonne Northeast Interdisciplinary Preparation Project: Supporting School-Aged Learners Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing in Inclusive Settings | Fontbonne University Research | GriffinShare

Funding Agency: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Grant Number: H325K190010
Status: Open

This grant from the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) will prepare graduate students in deaf education and speech-language pathology to serve children who are deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) in inclusive general education settings. Beginning in June 2020, the Fontbonne Northeast Interdisciplinary Preparation Project will support 36 master’s students who will ultimately work in northeastern states with critical shortages in special education and deaf education professionals. Fontbonne will integrate learning opportunities between the two degrees, thereby preparing graduates to collaborate as they will in school settings with DHH students learning to listen and talk.


FNIP: 2020 Scholars

FNIP: 2021 Scholars

FNIP: 2022 Scholars

FNIP: 2023 Scholars

FNIP: 2024 Scholars