FGA Agendas
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 4-20-2016
Academic Year
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-01.pdf (518 kB)
Motion 1
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-02.pdf (541 kB)
Motion 2
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-03.pdf (419 kB)
Motion 3
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-04.pdf (508 kB)
Motion 4
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-05.pdf (509 kB)
Motion 5
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-06.pdf (517 kB)
Motion 6
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-07.pdf (510 kB)
Motion 7
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-08.pdf (560 kB)
Motion 8
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-09.pdf (535 kB)
Motion 9
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-10.pdf (530 kB)
Motion 10
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-11.pdf (419 kB)
Motion 11
Motion 1
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-02.pdf (541 kB)
Motion 2
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-03.pdf (419 kB)
Motion 3
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-04.pdf (508 kB)
Motion 4
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-05.pdf (509 kB)
Motion 5
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-06.pdf (517 kB)
Motion 6
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-07.pdf (510 kB)
Motion 7
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-08.pdf (560 kB)
Motion 8
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-09.pdf (535 kB)
Motion 9
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-10.pdf (530 kB)
Motion 10
ua-fga-agendas-2016-04-20-11.pdf (419 kB)
Motion 11
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Motion 1: Motion from ECGBPS to Delete Master of Accountancy
Motion 2: Motion from ECGBPS to create an Accounting MBA
Motion 3: Motion from Rank and Tenure Committee on Faculty Librarian Tenure
Motion 4: Motion from SW to add a Certificate in Administration and Economic Development
Motion 5: Motion from SW to add a Certificate in Case Management
Motion 6: Motion from SW to add a Certificate in Expressive Arts & Integrative Therapies
Motion 7: Motion from SW to add a Certificate in Gerontology
Motion 8: Motion from SW to add a Certificate in Health & Mental Health Case Management
Motion 9: Motion from FCS to modify Dietetics Curriculum
Motion 10: Motion from FCS to modify Health Education & Promotion Curriculum
Motion 11: Motion from UAC to adjust Latin Honors Policy