FGA Agendas
Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 12-1-2010
Academic Year
ua-fga-agendas-2010-12-01-01.pdf (78 kB)
Motion 1
ua-fga-agendas-2010-12-01-02.pdf (35 kB)
Motion 2
ua-fga-agendas-2010-12-01-03.pdf (39 kB)
Motion 3
ua-fga-agendas-2010-12-01-04.pdf (54 kB)
Motion 4
ua-fga-agendas-2010-12-01-05.pdf (49 kB)
Motion 5
ua-fga-agendas-2010-12-01-06.pdf (32 kB)
Motion 6
Motion 1
ua-fga-agendas-2010-12-01-02.pdf (35 kB)
Motion 2
ua-fga-agendas-2010-12-01-03.pdf (39 kB)
Motion 3
ua-fga-agendas-2010-12-01-04.pdf (54 kB)
Motion 4
ua-fga-agendas-2010-12-01-05.pdf (49 kB)
Motion 5
ua-fga-agendas-2010-12-01-06.pdf (32 kB)
Motion 6
Available to Fontbonne users only. Please login with your user name (without @fontbonne.edu) + current password.
Motion 1: Motion from MCS to add Minor in Mathematics for Middle School Educators
Motion 2: Motion from ECGBPS to add prerequisites to Sports Psychology
Motion 3: Motion to remove ENG090 Basic Writing Skills from the catalog
Motion 4: Motion from ECGBPS to remove CIS100 Computer Technology as GER for BS Business Administration major or minor
Motion 5: Motion from ECGBPS to remove HIS104 or HIS106 as GER for Business Administration major or minor
Motion 6: Motion to remove PSY330 as requirement for Communication Studies major