Policies | Celebrating Centennial Newsletter | Centennial Files | Fontbonne University

Policies for Celebrating Centennial Newsletter

Rights and Permissions

Taylor Library encourages free and open global access to scholarship. Before submitting a paper to the repository, please be sure that all necessary permissions have been cleared. When depositing work with Fontbonne University Archives, you agree to a non-exclusive distribution license, usually a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No-Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

This means you agree to make your work available online, either on the open internet or to the Fontbonne community. You retain all other rights to your work, including the right to copy and distribute the work. Essentially, this non-exclusive license means that unless you have already granted copyright or other rights to another party (like a journal), you may publish, post, deposit, or otherwise use the work as you wish.

Digital Collections Takedown Policy

The administrators of GriffinShare have sought to confirm and secure the rights to share works that are in copyright, but there are some instances when changes need to be made. The repository is meant to provide an evolving and enduring record of the University’s faculty and students’ scholarly and creative output over time. Therefore, if a contributor leaves the University, their material will remain in GriffinShare, though we are glad to update records and contact information when requested. Deaccessioning or removing content from the repository will be limited to very specific circumstances.

Deaccessioning refers to a range of approaches to changing objects and their access levels once deposited in GriffinShare. Such approaches range from changing access rights for materials to removing items from the repository altogether.

Some reasons why items may be withdrawn:

  • The item was deposited in error and has only been available for a short time.
  • The item contains information that is sensitive, restricted, or otherwise should not be public.
  • The item is in violation of copyright or other laws or of Fontbonne University policies.
  • The item has been proven to be fraudulent or plagiarized.
  • Continued online access poses a legitimate and proximate threat to the safety or wellbeing of an individual or group.

All requests to remove graduate theses, dissertations, and other capstone projects must be approved by the department or college dean. Because these projects are completed as part of a degree program, removal of theses and dissertations occurs only in rare, extenuating circumstances. The administrators of the repository will not remove any theses or dissertations without the College’s approval.

Inquiries and requests should be directed to:

University Archives & Special Collections
Fontbonne University
6800 Wydown Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63105


Please include the title and URL and provide a brief statement explaining the reason for the change for removal. We will carefully evaluate and respond to each inquiry.

Approved by the Library Advisory Committee, January 2021