All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
College of Arts & Sciences
Math and Computer Science
simplex, vertex, numerical, solutions, program, cost, convex
Disadvantages of linear programming do exist and are important. The solution can be no better than the accuracy and completeness of the information fed into the calculations. Long-range plans are not included such as the advantage of maintaining a full line of products when the short-range solution says to cut down on the number of products. Another example is the solution of a transportation problem to reduce the number of warehouses which will in turn hurt their reputation of promptness. The use of models is subject to dangers inherent in abstraction. No model is an exact image of the real world. Furthermore, no process can guarantee dividends in the form of satisfactory prediction. A company may change but there is no assurance that other factors might not affect the solution and make it worse than the previous situation. Even with these disadvantages, linear programming is still in its infancy and is increasingly important in business planning and decision-making.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Mines, Margaret, "Linear Programming" (1968). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 79.
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