All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program



Business Administration


Human Resources, Management, Procurement, Team Management, Participative Management


In the last several years, American business has begun to place more emphasis on the management of human resources. It has become quite clear to many large American businesses that they must manage their human resources quite differently if they are to compete successfully. When examining the successful competitors, such as Japan, they found a different yet successful management model. Within the Japanese society and culture, they have developed a collaborative relationship between management and personnel. American corporations have learned to manage other resources effectively, such as financial resources, yet do not utilize human resources effectively.

Many philosophies have emerged in recent years new to American corporations such as Quality Circles, Participative Management, Task Force Team Management, etc. There exists a commonality between the new trends in human resource philosophies. Their success depends on work group effectiveness, or the team concept of management. This team concept is the foundation for the building of any "Y Theory" management philosophy. One division of many American corporations that commonly lacks team management is in the procurement division. The nature of procurement often isolates individuals in their day to day activities, thus preventing the natural formation of work groups.

This thesis proposes that work groups can be an effective method of procurement management and can be a good foundation for the development of a participative management philosophy. Although resistance to this new philosophy may arise due to the lack of understanding and restructured roles of personnel, an effective work group system can be implemented by following a well structured plan of action.

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