All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program



Business Administration


Office, Furniture, Clients, Manufacturing, Sales Cycle, Catalog Sales, Products, Services


The American Office Furniture Industry is expected to do in excess of eight billion dollars in sales during 1989. The growth rate over the last twenty years has typically been in double digits. This steady growth has been fuel for the development of new companies, new products and tremendous distribution dilemmas. These distribution dilemmas may not have appeared more apparent than during the last few years. Since 1987 the growth rate within the industry has slowed dramatically causing problems for both manufacturers and office furniture dealers alike. Like a lot of maturing industries, shake outs, down sizing, reorganization and potential bankruptcies have become a way of life. The office furniture industry will sell the vast majority of this eight billion dollars through office furniture dealers. These dealers represent the primary means of distribution of the finished goods to the end using business marketplace. Because of the size of the industry, the number of manufacturers, the slow down in growth and the ever increasing desire by Corporate America to contain or cut costs, today's office furniture dealer is faced with shrinking margins and increased expectations on their service levels. These market conditions are cause for significant concern by the majority of America's office furniture dealers.

This thesis presents a basic understanding of the nature of the American Office Furniture Industry, the typical sales cycle for her products and on the major needs of the primary participants: End using client's, Architectural and Design firms (A&D), Manufacturers and Office Furniture Dealers.

The primary focus of the thesis will center around an analysis of distribution within the American Office Furniture Industry. It will also provide limited insight and analysis into what the near future may hold as seen through the eyes of the major participants.

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