All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program



Business Administration


Banking, credit, Underwriting, Human Resources, Management, Deposits


The banking industry has significant competitive advantages in offering the following services: superior credit under writing skills, current control of the payment systems, powerful branch and saleforce distribution networks, and unique franchises due to high customer inertia. However, bankers need to leverage these advantages through better customer focused, streamlined, and redesigned service to their markets. This situation is the result of reengineering. It means "the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed."

In the U.S. banking industry, bank executives should continue to examine the structure and organization of their banks and reengineer the organization to be more efficient and responsive to customers' needs. Reengineering process focuses on revenue growth by breaking down prices and services and perceiving value of transactions to different classes of customers in order to pare expenses to boost earnings.

The benefits of reengineering are greater customer focus, innovative product development, increased employee morale, and enhanced bottom-lines. On the other hand, reengineering can be disastrous if not planned carefully and implemented correctly. However, by better understanding and communicating the objectives of reengineering, the chances for long-term success are dramatically improved.

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