All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program



Business Administration


Productivity, Foreign Markets, Management, Change Initiative, Personnel Systems


The U.S. business environment is changing due to increased competition from foreign companies. In response, U.S. corporations are seeking ways to improve productivity. One method of improving productivity has been adopted from successful Japanese companies. This is a more participative style of management than the traditional autocratic-style used by most u.S. corporations.

Increasing numbers of u.S. companies are setting initiatives to implement participative management. As with any management philosophy, proper implementation is critical to its success. From experiences of companies that have already implemented participative management, certain critical steps to successful implementation have been identified. They include company-wide commitment, creation of initiative boundaries, establishment of strong personnel systems, and design of a participative structure.

Most of the companies that have implemented participative management successfully have done so in a manufacturing environment. Just as important as improving the production aspect of a company's operation, is, the improvement within the knowledgeable worker area, i.e., high-tech or engineering environment. Many corporations are high-tech, labor intensive organizations that depend as much or more on the contribution of knowledgeable workers than production workers to develop and produce the goods and services it markets. Therefore, implementation of participative management may benefit this type of environment.

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