All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Bachelor of Arts (BA)


College of Arts & Sciences


Math and Computer Science

First Advisor

Mary Teresine Lewis


art, artists, perspective, theorem, geometry, projection


The relationship between the field of mathematics and the art of painting has now been more clearly defined. The demands for realism in painting during the Renaissance compelled the artists to develop a more exact and technical system of perspective. The disciplines of mathematics enabled the Renaissance artists to develop the mathematical system of perspective which has played a dominant role in determining the course of painting techniques in the Western world. However, this relationship has not been one-sided. Although mathematics has greatly aided the art of painting, Renaissance painting has also contributed to the field of mathematics. The development of mathematical perspective inspired the creation of general projective geometry as a new and useful branch of mathematics. Thus, both mathematics and painting have benefited greatly from this relationship.

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