All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
Management, IT, Information Technologies, Information Systems
The major problem facing management in integrating business plans with information systems development is the lack of a clear system planning approach, particularly one that deals adequately with the number of alternative approaches available today.
Also, I believe there is a need to develop a broad awareness and understanding of the impact of information technologies on business, developing a research agenda to better focus on these effects, and develop a set of tools useful to business and academicians to define, analyze, plan, and manage the impact of information technologies on the business enterprise.
The thrust of my thesis proposal centers on the methodology of identifying research and development initiatives focused on the impact of information technologies and methods for coping with, planning for, and gaining strategic advantages from resulting changes in business. This study will involve the following aspects:
1. Develop a broad awareness in business schools and industry that there are significant impacts of information technologies, especially in the near future.
2. Develop specific research initiatives and developments intended to define and understand the impact of information technologies on business.
3. Define the limitations of current methods and technology, leading-edge developments underway in enterprise information management and future requirements and opportunities for the development of methods, tools, and techniques.
4. Promote a greater awareness in industry and academia of the impact of information technologies (computing, communications) on business organization, practices and disciplines.
5. Matching the information system's business with the strategic business plans of the enterprise, recommendations for future directions.
6. Identification and assessment of opportunities to use computing and information technology for strategic advantage to the company.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Kalayeh, Arjomand M., "Process of Identifying Research and Development Initiatives Focused on the Impact of Information Technologies and Method for Coping with, Planning for, and Gaining Strategic Advantage from the Resulting Changes in Business" (1987). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 589.
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