All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program



Business Administration


HIV, Discrimination, Healthcare, CDC, OSHA, Insurance


AIDS, one of the most complex and devastating disease known to man, poses a host of dilemmas to corporate employees and managers. Discrimination, the largest and potentially most disastrous problem, stems from fear and ignorance. The only solution for this situation that is available to the corporate world is education.

Education, itself, contributes to a situation that must span socio-cultural barriers. This will be the only way that the spread of this killer will be slowed.

The medical aspect of the disease will take years before there will be a cure or vaccine. Large amounts of revenue will be needed to help finance these projects. The capital will have to come from both the government and private sector. Until a cure is found, education of the corporate manager and employee will be the only way to help slow the plague.

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