All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Business Administration
education, experience, world, computing
This study was initiated as a requirement for a graduate level course in the MBA program at the Fontbonne College. The major problem faced by the faculty and the administration "at American schools and Colleges is to find out if students are getting enough exposure to computers. This study helps solve that problem by using surveys and statistical models. A telephone survey was done to gather the data. The data gathered was analyzed by the computer program written in SPSS.
Some of the major things discussed in the study are relationships of student's status, major, GPA, age, home town population, family income and family occupation with the student's interest in computers.
The results of this study showed that student's status, major, GPA, age, population of home town and family income does have an effect on the student's interest in computers. The results also showed that students' family income has no effect on student's interest in computers.
It was also concluded that the degree requirements at American College Campuses are sufficient to expose students to computers, and the students are computer literate and well prepared to meet the demands of the future.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Jameel, Muhammad Javed, "Computer Literacy on American College Campuses: An Analysis and Evaluation" (1990). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 463.
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