All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
MCM, HIV, insurance, patient, PCP, testing, infection
As the cost of health care continues to rise, especially in the case of catastrophic illnesses such as Acquired Inununodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the need to develop and use more effective means of monitoring and controlling those costs has become evident. Additionally, quality of care must be kept foremost while attempting to deal with those ever-increasing costs. The goal must be to provide quality health care at reasonable prices. This is not an easy task. The task becomes especially difficult when dealing with a complex illness such as AIDS.
The multifaceted issues and costs surrounding AIDS care is of such importance that a knowledgeable professional is needed to coordinate this great task. The is the role of medical case management (MCM). Acute care facilities are an integral part of our American health care system. However, alternative forms of care should be cultivated and used, when medically appropriate, affording the patient more personal care and dignity, and decreasing health care related costs.
The financial impact of AIDS health care on individuals and society has been great. The medical community does not believe a cure is imminent. The AIDS virus continues to spread and health care and research costs continue to rise. Quality of care and cost containment must become key words when discussing catastrophic illnesses, especially the health care of the person with AIDS (PWA).
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Rosenberg, Shirley, "Medical Case Management: An Effective Tool in Decreasing AIDS-Related Hospital Costs" (1990). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 454.
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This thesis was selected for its superior quality, and was suggested as a good example for MBA students to follow.