All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
university, enrollment, admissions, higher education
Higher education has become sophisticated in their recruitment of prospective traditional age students. Many institutions have found the elements of marketing to be applicable to recruiting. The ability to use * marketing in recruiting has only met with approval since the mid 1970’s. Prior to this time educators viewed the marketing of higher education as being unethical and ' a waste of valuable resources.
Successful implementation of marketing plans have proved this to be a wise investment of resources on the part of growing educational institution. Articles, journals, marketing books, and case studies have shown that it is possible for institutions to use marketing methods to recruit students. The institutions must be willing to invest the resources of time, money, and personnel. This will help to insure them of a successful marketing program.
Each marketing program is unique and must reflect the overall mission of the institution.
The admissions office needs to understand marketing functions within and outside the campus environment. The recruitment program they develop should reflect a positive feeling about the campus. Particular emphasis needs to be given to understanding marketing research, the environment, the consumer, and the marketing mix.
A marketing program's success may be measured by the number of traditional age students who enroll in the institution.
Institutions must continue to recognize marketing as a viable way to increase enrollment of students. Failure to do so will result in institutions losing their competitive edge.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Tinoco, Carla J., "An Analysis of Marketing Methods Used for the Recruitment of Traditional Aged College Students" (1990). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 436.
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