All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Science (MS)
College of Education & Allied Health
Communication Disorders and Deaf Education
First Advisor
Sherry Howard
errors, polysyllabic, phonetic, phoneme, impairment
There are several factors which influence error variability in dyspraxia. A review of the literature revealed that there are many unanswered questions regarding the variability of error production in dyspraxia. From the studies reviewed, the variables such as word length, phonemic complexity, and word frequency are usually combined with another factor in effecting error production. However, it has not been determined if any one of these factors alone is enough to influence the direction of errors, or whether there is a significant interaction of these factors. It should be determined which combination of variables produce the highest and lowest error production in dyspraxic patients. Determining these combinations may show whether errors are random or whether there are specific patterns which cause error variability. A study comparing the combination of word frequency, word length, and phonemic complexity on error variability has not been reported. Therefore, the present research was designed to test the following research hypothesis: There is a significant difference in the effect on dyspraxic speech production between the following factors: 1) high frequency and low frequency words 2) high complexity and low complexity words 3 ) monosyllabic and polysyllabic words.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Davis, Deanna, "The Effects of Word Length, Word Frequency, and Phonetic Complexity on Dyspraxic Speech Production" (1978). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 40.
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