All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects

Year of Award



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


College of Business & Professional Studies

Degree Program



Business Administration


data, software, hardware, technology, devices


A look at information systems from both its component parts and as a whole, as related to Cost Benefit Analysis. Cost Benefit Analysis is not always the best method for the determination of a Return on Investment in information systems. Cost Work Value Analysis seems to be a better tool in many cases. The business management team must identify what information technologies can and cannot perform and apply the question whether or not information technologies should be applied.

Common misconceptions about information systems are that they will lead to staff reductions, increased efficiencies, paper reduction, reduced costs and elimination of errors.

The critical success factor in all phases of information systems development is the business management team involvement.

Automated information systems are not a mature technology and a great deal of empirical study remains to be done to validate costs versus benefit conclusions.

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