All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects
Year of Award
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Business & Professional Studies
Degree Program
Business Administration
management, employee, motivation, organization
Today's employees, first of all,, are a changing breed. All of them, whether hourly, salaried, supervisors or managers, apparently want more from their work lives than their predecessors did. They want more of a say in the making of decisions that affect them than they have had in the past. They're becoming less willing to perform boring or demeaning work which doesn't use all their skills and knowledge or help them grow and learn as people. They're not as willing to carry out the orders of someone in a chain of command who may not know the job as well as they do. Also, they want to be treated with respect, allowed to exercise their own judgement, and given a chance to see how their efforts fit into the total company picture.
Management today faces increasing absenteeism, problems in quality control, grievances, pilferage, and even sabotage caused by deepening employee discontent and boredom. Few companies can afford costly strikes or shutdowns, and so have tried to find ways to increase the job satisfaction and performance of their employees. In so doing, they protect the company's ability to continue successful operation.
Document Type
Restricted Thesis
Recommended Citation
Warakanbancha, Kanlayavadee, "An Evaluation of Job Enrichment as a Means of Increasing Employee Satisfaction and Performance" (1990). All Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects. 388.
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